Can a Massage Cause a Carotid Artery Dissection?

According to an article published by NBC News, a 41-year-old mother, Stefanie Smith, recently died while returning home on a plane from the Dominican Republic. Reports say, she started having convulsions in the middle of the flight. Convulsions typically indicate that a person is suffering from a seizure, infection, traumatic brain injury, or a high…

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The Number of Car Accidents in Washington, D.C. Continues to Rise

Many people visit or live in Washington, D.C. because of its beautiful buildings, diverse food options, employment opportunities, top-tier colleges and schools, and more. We think D.C. is a great city, but like many cities, it is plagued by car accidents – and the number of crashes just keeps rising. According to an article published…

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Drunk Driver Sentenced to Prison for Killing Passenger in a D.C. Uber

Many times, individuals who have been partying and had too many drinks consider Uber to be a true lifesaver as it can get them home safe and sound. However, just like with everything else, there are risks that come with using rideshare services, including car accidents. A horrific car accident took place in Northwest Washington,…

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Washington, DC Is Sending Messages to Dangerous Drivers

Just like when drivers see police cars or speeding cameras, people are typically known to change their behavior when they feel like they are being watched. To test this theory, Washington, D.C is implementing a year-long messaging initiative that targets dangerous drivers, in hopes of reducing serious and fatal car accidents. According to the Washington…

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Traffic Fatalities Reach Record High in 2021 Despite Fewer Miles Driven

As the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) begins releasing its data from 2021, we’re seeing some interesting statistics. As always, certain roadways remain dangerous and seatbelts continue to save lives. However, traffic accidents and fatalities have increased as a result of changing driving behaviors from the COVID-19 pandemic. USA Facts reports: Traffic fatalities increased…

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What Caused the Spike in Pedestrian Deaths in 2015?

According to new data released by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, there is a projected 10 percent spike in pedestrian fatalities in the 2015 traffic crash data. This is anticipated to be the largest annual increase ever in these numbers, which is causing great alarm for the safety agencies that track these numbers. In the…

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