Dispelling the Myth of the Frivolous Lawsuit

There is a pervasive – and dangerous – belief in America that our court system is clogged with unnecessary, “frivolous” lawsuits. This myth is the reason we so often see our civil justice system under attack by politicians, political action groups, and even some journalists. The truth is, civil lawsuits are at an all-time low.…

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What the Media Does Not Understand about Premises Liability

A woman recently sued Dunkin’ Donuts and settled her premises liability case for $522,000. The media has had a bit of a field day with the story (as have the commenters on the sites covering the news) because they assume that this is another hot coffee lawsuit. In actuality, the victim “tripped over an exposed…

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Summertime Accident Injury Prevention

Summer brings with it so many possibilities for fun, excitement and adventure, but also the opportunity for accidents and injuries. In the summer we all emerge from the hibernation of a long winter indoors and start cooking on the backyard grill, going camping, hiking and boating and swimming. Often times, the injuries that occur in…

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