What are the Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits?

Medical malpractice occurs when healthcare providers, such as doctors, nurses, or hospitals, fail to meet the standard of care expected in the medical profession, resulting in harm or injury to patients. These cases can be complex, often involving issues of negligence, misdiagnosis, surgical errors, medication mistakes, and more. A study in BMJ estimates that hospital errors…

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What is the Difference Between Medical Malpractice and Medical Battery?

The primary difference between medical malpractice and medical battery lies in the nature of a healthcare provider’s actions. Medical malpractice involves negligence or a failure to meet the standard of care, while medical battery involves intentional and unauthorized physical contact or procedures performed on a patient without their consent. Both types of claims can result…

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When Doctors Drop Babies During Delivery

A soon-to-be-mother thinks about what the birth of her child will be like throughout her entire pregnancy. No matter how many stories she hears or videos she watches, she knows it’s one of those things that you have to experience to really know how it’s going to work. Babies just aren’t predictable. Still, she knows…

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How Anesthesia Errors Can Lead to Brain Damage

Although the majority of surgeries require some form of anesthesia, the use of anesthesia always carries some level of risk to the patient. For this reason, the administration of anesthesia must be carried out with great care and precision in conjunction with proper diagnosis and patient monitoring. Unfortunately, errors and subsequent complications do occur in…

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Is Bowel Perforation During Surgery Always Medical Negligence?

Bowel perforation, also known as intestinal perforation, is a hole in the wall of the intestine. It can occur anywhere in the small intestine or large intestine. Bowel perforation is a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment. A bowel perforation, or a nicked bowel, occurs when a hole is made in the bowel or anywhere…

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What Are the Most Common Types of Hospital Acquired Infections?

When a patient becomes ill with an infection after having been admitted to the hospital for the treatment of an unrelated condition (or within three days of being discharged, and with no existing signs of infection, it can be said to be a hospital-acquired, or nosocomial infection. Healthcare-associated infections are preventable and they represent a…

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Cancer Risk Is Increasing for Younger People

While some cancers do not discriminate, certain lifestyle choices can increase the risk of cancer. For instance, we all know that smoking increases the risk of lung, throat, and mouth cancer. A recent study has highlighted a concerning trend of rising cancer rates among younger Americans, especially women, with gastrointestinal, endocrine, and breast cancers showing…

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Washington, DC Is Sending Messages to Dangerous Drivers

Just like when drivers see police cars or speeding cameras, people are typically known to change their behavior when they feel like they are being watched. To test this theory, Washington, D.C is implementing a year-long messaging initiative that targets dangerous drivers, in hopes of reducing serious and fatal car accidents. According to the Washington…

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What You Should Know About Post-Surgical Nerve Damage

Your nerves play a vital part in the function of your body. They are in charge of sending messages and signals that allow you to move and feel certain body parts. Nerves are also responsible for helping the human body digest food, maintain a healthy heart rate, respond to stress, stay balanced, continue to breathe,…

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